Yesterday I returned from the RWA National Conference held in San Antonio, Texas this year. The weather was hot – 104! The food was spicy – just how I like it! And the week filled with everything an author dreams about – workshops, networking, signings, readers, writers and swag – oh my! This year there was a bonus as the hotel was located two blocks from The Alamo and history fascinates me. I walked over for a peek as soon as I checked in.

blog alamo

Like every reader, I have favorite authors. Authors who have impressed me with their talent and influenced me during my journey. Their stories resonate with me…their characters are lasting, the emotions heartfelt. And it thrilled me to meet several iconic authors and speak with them at the conference, their approachable nature drawing me in just like the first chapter of each book.

Eloisa James Can you tell I’m a little nervous? My expression says it all. Eloisa James, author of one of my favorite books of all time, A Duke of Her Own, took time to talk to me and pose for a “fan-girl” photo. She asked me about my books! She couldn’t have been more gracious.

Elizabeth Essex 2Elizabeth Essex was also lovely and she remembered me from the last time we spoke. I was so astonished and excited. I had true fan-girl moments all over the historical section – Lol! Julia London, Sherry Thomas, Tessa Dare, Sophia Nash – the list goes on and on. Such lovely talented women taking the time to chat with me.

There is an added bonus to this story. Something completely unexpected happened for me as an author. People approached me to chat. Friends from Facebook who enjoy my photo posts, an author at the book signing for her own book stopped to tell me she read my book…and a waitress at a banquet paused to talk about To Love A Wicked Scoundrel. It was mind-boggling and surprising in the best way. A fan-girl moment I’ll never forget because this time I wasn’t the fan.

saint anthony statue

San Antonio had already won me over with the Riverwalk and lush beauty surrounding the hotel.  Having fan-girl moments of both kinds made this a conference I’ll never forget and I’m already thinking about next year. New York City…my neighboring state. I can’t wait!