mailbox   Love Letters, a dying art and broken tradition…A long lost romantic gesture. Hardly anyone takes the time to write letters, never mind heartwrenching confessions of devotion and affection. Why put pen to paper when one can text, email or tweet?

Prosaic expressions of sentiment are gifts to be treasured. Who could ever resist the compelling adoration of someone who took time to express their most personal feelings on paper. Utterly romantic, and fast becoming a thing of the past. Scrolling through texts or choosing the right folder on your laptop to reread your beau’s confession of love just doesn’t have the same romantic impact. At least not for me.

Love letter and antique quill on a black background

I tend to cling to the past in some ways. I enjoy vintage, antique, and retro in all capacities. I still embrace a written card or note, although most of the world has moved on. Which do you prefer? Do you take the time to commit your words to the page or would you rather take advantage of technology?

Either way, don’t forget to share your most ardent feelings. That’s the truer message. Even if it looks a little like this:   **// 143 88 4eva